This manual describes CILOG, a simple representation and
reasoning system based on the book Computational Intelligence: A
Logical Approach [1]. CILOG provides:
- a definite clause representation and reasoning system
- a simple tell-ask user interface, where the user can tell the
system facts and ask questions of the system
- explanation facilities to explain how a goal was proved, why an
answer couldn't be found, why a question was asked, why an
error-producing goal was called, and why the depth-bound was reached
- knowledge-level debugging tools, that let the user debug
incorrect answers, missing answers, why the system asks a question,
system errors, and possible infinite loops
- depth-bounded search, that can be used to investigate potential
infinite loops and used to build an iterative-deepening search
- sound negation-as-failure, that interacts appropriately with the
- ask-the-user facilities
- assumables
CILOG is a purely declarative representation and reasoning system.
It is intended as a pedagogical tool to present a simple logic that
can be used for AI problems. It is meant for programming in the small,
where you can axiomatize a domain, ask questions and debug the
knowledge base, without knowing how answers are produced.
There may be sophisticated problem-solving techniques used in finding